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If you are diagnosed with cancer and going to start chemotherapy treatment, it is common to have several questions in mind about the situation. One question that tops the list for most people is, whether they are going to lose their hair. While not everyone ends up bald after chemotherapy, many do. It is hard to deal with, especially for women, because long hair just does not grow back overnight. However, the good news is that there is an alternate solution. You can go for hair wigs after chemotherapy hair loss in Boca Raton Florida.

Choose the Right Wig

First, you need to consider if you want to match the hairstyle you have right now with the new wig or experiment with a new wig. As it is not your hair, there are many opportunities to mix things up without damaging your natural hair growth.

Decide when to cut your hair

Most people who lose their hair due to chemotherapy find the hair starts falling out a few weeks after the first sitting. It is generally better to cut your hair short before that happens because hair coming out when it is long and tangled can be a traumatic experience. However, if your hair is long and you want an equally long wig, it may not be a good idea to cut the hair short too early because it will result in a drastic change of appearance. So, in this case, it would be good to wait until your hair starts falling out.

Decide where to get your wig

When it comes to items like wigs, comfort plays a huge role, especially for a cancer patient. The wig must fit well or you will end up wasting your money. So, do not buy wigs online. There are renowned hair replacement centres that offer suitable wigs after cancer treatment in Palm Beach Florida that you can visit. Go through different types of wigs and consult with experts about your requirements in detail so they can provide you with the best. 

Consider a synthetic wig

Although human hair wigs are preferred by most people, yet synthetic wigs are a great option for a cancer patient due to several reasons. First, synthetic wigs hold their style easily and you do not need to wash them as often as human hair wigs. A woman can’t wash and style her wig two or three times a week while she is going through chemotherapy. Synthetic hair wigs also make your hairline appear more natural. 

Learn How to Put on the wig

It is not difficult to wear a wig, but you need to maintain proper alignment. People who wear wigs for the first time often tend to have it too far down on the face. It is needed to be pushed back to the original hairline for a more natural look. Also, do not wear it too tight either or it may reveal your scalp or cause you a headache. 

Conclusion: Cancer brings many changes to life, but at least you can retain your appearance by choosing the right wig and wearing it correctly. Linda Alfieri’s renowned hair replacement Center offers an extensive collection of wigs that are great for cancer patients. For more information, send a mail at lindarockoflove@gmail.com.

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